Judges on Leave
Serial No. | NAME OF JUDICIAL OFFICER | On leave from | On leave till | Nature Of Leave |
299 | Mohammed Shah Faisal | 31/05/2024 | 02/06/2024 | Permit you to avail special CL on 31.05.2024 & 01.06.2024 with permission to leave headquarter from morning of 31.05.2024 till evening of 02.06.2024. |
300 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 24/05/2024 | 26/05/2024 | Permit to avail special CL on 25.05.2024 with permission to leave headquarter from morning of 24.05.2024 till evening of 26.05.2024. |
301 | MS. Aishwarya Kar | 24/05/2024 | 26/05/2024 | Grant of permission to avail Special Casula leave 24.05.2024 & 25.04.2024 with permission to leave headquarter from morning of 24.05.2024 till evening of 26.05.2024. |
302 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer Vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 . |
303 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer Vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 . |
304 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer Vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 . |
305 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer Vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 . |
306 | Ms. Sipra Priyadarshini Sahu | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 with permission to leave headquarters for the said period. |
307 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 with permission to leave headquarters for the said period. |
308 | Shri Apurv Kumar Ray | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer vacation holiday-2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 with permission to leave headquarters for the said period. |
309 | Vacant | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer vacation-2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 with permission to leave headquarters for the said period. |
310 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 22/05/2024 | 03/06/2024 | Permission to avail the Summer Vacation,2024 from 22.05.2024 to 03.06.2024 with permission to leave headquarters for the said period. |
311 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 19/05/2024 | 20/05/2024 | Permission to avail public holidays on 19.05.2024,20.05.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 18.05.2024 till the morning of 21.05.2024 . |
312 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 19/05/2024 | 21/05/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 01 day on 21.05.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 19.05.2024,20.05.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 18.05.2024 till the evening of 21.05.2024 . |
313 | MS. Aishwarya Kar | 19/05/2024 | 19/05/2024 | Permission to leave headquarters on 19.05.2024 . |
314 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 15/05/2024 | 20/05/2024 | Permission to avail the four days C.L. from 15.05.2024 to 18.05.2024 and public holidays on 19.05.2024 and 20.05.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from 15.05.2024 to 20.05.2024 . |
315 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 12/05/2024 | 14/05/2024 | Permission to avail two days Casual Leave on 13.05.2024 and 14.05.2024 and permission to avail the public holiday on 12.05.2024 with further permission to leave the headquarters from after the office hours of 11.05.2024 till evening of 14.05.2024 . |
316 | Vacant | 06/05/2024 | 09/05/2024 | Permission to avail C.L. from 06.05.2024 to 09.05.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from evening of 05.05.2024 till morning of 10.05.2024 . |
317 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 29/04/2024 | 09/05/2024 | Grant of E.L. for a period of 11 days i.e. from 29.04.2024 to 09.05.2024 prefixing public holiday on 28.04.2024 to the leave. |
318 | Vacant | 29/04/2024 | 29/04/2024 | Permission to avail half day C.L. for first half of 29.04.2024 . |
319 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 23/04/2024 | 27/04/2024 | Grant of leave of absence from 23.04.2024 to 27.04.2024 . |
320 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 23/04/2024 | 27/04/2024 | Granted Commuted Leave for a period of 05 days i.e. from 23.04.2024 to 27.04.2024 . |
321 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 23/04/2024 | 27/04/2024 | Granted Commuted leave for a period of 05 days from 23.04.2024 to 27.04.2024 . |
322 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 19/04/2024 | 30/04/2024 | Earned Leave |
323 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 15/04/2024 | 16/04/2024 | Permission to avail the C.L. on 15.04.2024,16.04.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from 01.00 PM of 14.04.2024 to till the morning of 17.04.2024 . |
324 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 15/04/2024 | 15/04/2024 | Permission to avail half day C.L. on first half of 15.04.2024 . |
325 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 14/04/2024 | 28/04/2024 | Granted Earned Leave for a period of 13 days i.e.from 15.04.2024 to 27.04.2024 prefixing public holiday on 14.04.2024 and suffixing public holiday on 28.04.2024 to the leave. |
326 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 12/04/2024 | 15/04/2024 | Permission to avail the casual leave on 12.04.2024,15.04.2024 and permission to avail public holidays on 13.04.2024 and 14.04.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from afternoon of 11.04.2024 to till the evening of 15.04.2024 . |
327 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 11/04/2024 | 14/04/2024 | Permission to avail the Casual Leave on 12.04.2024, permission to avail public holidays on 11.04.2024,13.04.2024 and 14.04.2024 with further permission to leave the headquarters from after the office hour of 10.04.2024 till the evening of 14.04.2024 . |
328 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 11/04/2024 | 14/04/2024 | C.L for 01 day i.e on 12.004.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 11.04.2024, 13.04.2024 & 14.04.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 10.04.2024 till the evening of 14.04.2024. |
329 | Mohammed Shah Faisal | 11/04/2024 | 14/04/2024 | avail casual leave on 12.04.2024 & permission to avail public holidays on 11.04.2024 &13.04.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 10.04.2024 to till the morning o f14.04.2024. |
330 | Ms. Subhashree Tripathy | 11/04/2024 | 14/04/2024 | C.L for 01 day i.e on 12.04.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 11.04.2024, 13.04.2024 & 14.04.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 10.04.2024 till the morning of 15.04.2024. |
331 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 11/04/2024 | 17/04/2024 | C.L for 03 days i.e on 12.04.2024,15.04.2024 & 16.04.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 11.04.2024,13.04.2024,14.04.2024 & 17.04.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 10.04.2024 till the morning of 18.04.2024. |
332 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 07/04/2024 | 14/04/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 04 days on 08.04.2024,09.04.2024,10.04.2024,12.04.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 07.04.2024,11.04.2024,13.04.2024,14.04.2024 . |
333 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 02/04/2024 | 03/04/2024 | Permission to avail the Casual Leave on 02.04.2024 and 03.04.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters till the morning of 04.04.2024 . |
334 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 31/03/2024 | 01/04/2024 | Permission to avail public holidays on 31.03.2024,01.04.2024 and to leave the headquarters for the said period . |
335 | Mohammed Shah Faisal | 31/03/2024 | 01/04/2024 | Permission to avail the public holidays on 31.03.2024 and 01.04.2024 with further permission to leave the headquarters from after the office hours of 30.03.2024 till the morning of 02.04.2024 . |
336 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 31/03/2024 | 01/04/2024 | Permission to avail the public holidays on 31.03.2024 and 01.04.2024 with further permission to leave the headquarters from after the office hours of 30.03.2024 till the morning of 02.04.2024 . |
337 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 30/03/2024 | 01/04/2024 | Half day CL on second half of 30.03.2024 with permission on public holiday on 31.03.24,01.04.24 with permission to leave headquarter after the first hour of 30.03.24 to till the morning of 02.04.24 . |
338 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 30/03/2024 | 30/03/2024 | Permission to avail the half day CL for second half of 30.03.2024 . |
339 | Vacant | 26/03/2024 | 29/03/2024 | Two days C.L. on 27.03.24,28.03.24 with permission on public holiday on 26.03.24,29.03.24 with permission to leave the headquarter from the morning of 26.03.24 to till the morning of 30.03.24 . |
340 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 24/03/2024 | 27/03/2024 | C.L for 01 day i.e. on 27.03.2024 with permission to avail public holidays from 24.03.2024 to 26.03.2024 and to leave the headquarters from the morning of 24.03.2024 till the morning of 28.03.2024. |
341 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 24/03/2024 | 29/03/2024 | C.L for 02 days i.e on 27.03.2024 & 28.03.2024 with permission to avail public holidays from 24.03.2024 to 26.03.2024, 29.03.2024 and to leave headquarters from 24.03.2024 till 29.03.2024. |
342 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 24/03/2024 | 29/03/2024 | C.L for 02 days i.e on 27.03.2024 & 28.03.2024 with permission to avail public holidays from 24.03.2024 to 26.03.2024, 29.03.2024 and to leave headquarters from 24.03.2024 till 29.03.2024. |
343 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 24/03/2024 | 26/03/2024 | Permission to avail public holiday from 24.03.2024 to 26.03.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 23.03.2024 till the morning of 27.03.2024. |
344 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 24/03/2024 | 26/03/2024 | Three days public holidays from 24.03.2024 to 26.03.2024 with permission to leave the headquarter from the morning of 24.03.2024 to till the evening of 26.03.2024 . |
345 | Shri Apurv Kumar Ray | 24/03/2024 | 29/03/2024 | Permission to avail two days C.L. on 27.03.24,28.03.24 with permission on public holidays from 24.03.24 to 26.03.24 and 29.03.24 with permission to leave headquarter after office hour of 23.03.24 to till the morning of 30.03.24 . |
346 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 24/03/2024 | 29/03/2024 | Permission to avail two days C.L. on 27.03.24,28.03.24 with permission on public holidays from 24.03.24 to 26.03.24 and 29.03.24 with permission to leave headquarter after office hour of 23.03.24 to till the morning of 30.03.24 . |
347 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 24/03/2024 | 26/03/2024 | Permission to avail the public holidays from 24.03.24 to 26.03.24 with permission to leave the headquarter after the office hour of 23.03.24 to till the evening of 26.03.24 . |
348 | Ms. Sipra Priyadarshini Sahu | 24/03/2024 | 27/03/2024 | Half day CL for first half of 27.03.24 with permission on public holidays from 24.03.24 to 26.03.24 with permission to leave headquarter after the office hour of 23.03.24 to till the first half of 27.03.24 . |
349 | Shri Kailash Chandra Swain | 24/03/2024 | 26/03/2024 | Permission to avail the public holidays on from 24.03.2024 to 26.03.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 23.03.2024 till the morning of 27.03.2024 . |
350 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 17/03/2024 | 17/03/2024 | Permission to avail Public holiday on 17.03.2024 with permission to leave headquarter during the said period. |
351 | Vacant | 16/03/2024 | 16/03/2024 | Permission to avail half day C.L. on second half of 16.03.2024 . |
352 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 10/03/2024 | 10/03/2024 | Grant of permission to avail public holiday on 10.03.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the National Lok Adalat on 09.03.2024 till the morning of 11.03.2024 . |
353 | Shri Kailash Chandra Swain | 08/03/2024 | 11/03/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 01 day on 11.03.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 08.03.2024,09.03.2024 and 10.03.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 07.03.2024 till the morning of 12.03.2024 . |
354 | Ms. Geetanjali Nanda | 06/03/2024 | 08/03/2024 | Permission to avail two days holidays on 06.03.2024,07.03.2024 and to avail the public holiday on 08.03.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from after the office hour of 05.03.2024 till the morning of 09.03.2024 . |
355 | Vacant | 26/02/2024 | 26/02/2024 | Permission to avail half day CL for first half of 26.02.2024 . |
356 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 25/02/2024 | 28/02/2024 | Permission to avail three days CL from 26.02.2024 to 28.02.2024 and permission to avail the public holiday on 25.02.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 24.02.2024 till the evening of 28.02.2024 . |
357 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 25/02/2024 | 25/02/2024 | Grant of Permission to avail the public holiday on 25.02.2024 and to leave headquarters after the office hours of 24.02.2024 till the morning of 26.02.2024 . |
358 | MS. Aishwarya Kar | 24/02/2024 | 27/02/2024 | Permission to avail two days on second half of 24.02.2024,26.02.2024,first half of 27.02.2024 and public holiday on 25.02.2024 with permission to leave headquarter after the first half of 24.02.2024 till the second half of 27.02.2024 . |
359 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 15/02/2024 | 15/02/2024 | Permission to avail half day C.L. for 2nd half of 15.02.2024 . |
360 | Ms. Sipra Priyadarshini Sahu | 10/02/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Permission to avail two days C.L. from 12.02.2024 to 13.02.2024 and Public holidays on 10.02.2024,11.02.2024,14.02.2024 with permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 09.02.2024 till the evening of 14.02.2024 . |
361 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 10/02/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Grant of C.L 02 days i.e. on 12.02.2024 and 13.02.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 10.02.2024, 11.02.2024 & 14.02.2024 and to remain absent from the headquarters after the office hours of 09.02.2024 till the morning of 15.02.2024. |
362 | Ms. Subhashree Tripathy | 10/02/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Grant of C.L for 02 days i.e on 12.02.2024 & 13.02.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 10.02.2024, 11.02.2024 & 14.02.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 09.02.2024 till the mornining of 15.02.2024. |
363 | Shri Kailash Chandra Swain | 10/02/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Grant of C.L for 02 days i.e on 12.02.2024 & 13.02.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 10.02.2024, 11.02.2024 & 14.02.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 09.02.2024 till the mornining of 15.02.2024. |
364 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 10/02/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Grant of C.L for 02 days i.e on 12.02.2024 & 13.02.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 10.02.2024, 11.02.2024 & 14.02.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 09.02.2024 till the mornining of 15.02.2024. |
365 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 10/02/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Grant of C.L for 02 days i.e on 12.02.2024 & 13.02.2024 with permission to avail public holidays on 10.02.2024, 11.02.2024 & 14.02.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 09.02.2024 till the mornining of 15.02.2024. |
366 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 10/02/2024 | 11/02/2024 | Permission to avail the Public holidays from 10.02.2024 to 11.02.2024 with further permission to leave headquarter from after office hour of 09.02.2024 till morning of 12.02.2024 . |
367 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 10/02/2024 | 11/02/2024 | Permission to avail the Public holidays from 10.02.2024 to 11.02.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from 10.02.2024 till the morning of 12.02.2024 . |
368 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 03/02/2024 | 06/02/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 03 days on 03.02.2024,05.02.2024,06.02.2024 with permission to avail the public holiday on 04.02.2024 and to leave the headquarters from the evening of 02.02.2024 till the morning of 07.02.2024 . |
369 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 03/02/2024 | 04/02/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 01 day on 03.02.2024 with permission to avail the public holiday on 04.02.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 02.02.2024 till the morning of 05.02.2024 . |
370 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 02/02/2024 | 05/02/2024 | Permission to avail three days CL on 02.02.2024,03.02.2024,05.02.2024 and to avail the public holiday on 04.02.2024 with further permission to leave the headquarter from after office hour of 01.02.2024 till morning of 06.02.2024 . |
371 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 02/02/2024 | 04/02/2024 | Grant of 02 days C.L. i.e.02.02.2024 and 03.02.2024 with permission to avail the public holiday on 04.02.2024 and to leave headquarters from the morning of 02.02.2024 till the morning of 05.02.2024 . |
372 | Ms. Geetanjali Nanda | 31/01/2024 | 01/02/2024 | Permission to avail two days C.L. on 31.01.2024 and 01.02.2024 with further permission to leave headquarter from after office hour of 30.01.2024 till morning of 02.02.2024 . |
373 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 31/01/2024 | 31/01/2024 | Casual Leave |
374 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 29/01/2024 | 29/01/2024 | Granted half day C.L. for the first half of 29.01.2024 . |
375 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 28/01/2024 | 29/01/2024 | Permission to avail one day C.L. on 29.01.2024 with permission to avail the public holiday on 28.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarter from after office hour of 27.01.2024 till morning of 30.01.2024 . |
376 | Shri Kailash Chandra Swain | 27/01/2024 | 28/01/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 01 day on 27.01.2024 with permission to avail the public holiday on 28.01.2024 and to leave the headquarters from the afternoon of 26.01.2024 till the morning of 29.01.2024 . |
377 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 27/01/2024 | 27/01/2024 | Granted half day C.L. for the second half of 27.01.2024 . |
378 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 26/01/2024 | 29/01/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 02 days for 27.01.2024,29.01.2024 with permission to avail the public holidays on 26.01.2024,28.01.2024 and to remain absent from headquarters after the flag hoisting of 26.01.2024 till the morning of 30.01.2024 . |
379 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 26/01/2024 | 26/01/2024 | Granted headquarter leaving permission on 26.01.2024 after hoisting of National Flag. |
380 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 23/01/2024 | 24/01/2024 | Permission to avail one day CL on 24.01.2024 along with public holiday on 23.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 22.01.2024 to till the morning of 25.01.2024 . |
381 | Vacant | 20/01/2024 | 20/01/2024 | Casual Leave |
382 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 19/01/2024 | 21/01/2024 | Permission to avail two days Casual Leave on 19.01.2024 and 20.01.2024 along with public holiday on 21.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters after office hour of 18.01.2024 to till the morning of 22.01.2024 . |
383 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 14/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Permission to avail the Public holidays from 14.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from morning of 14.01.2024 till morning of 16.01.2024 . |
384 | Shri Apurv Kumar Ray | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Permission to avail Public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from after the office hour of 12.01.2024 till morning of 16.01.2024 . |
385 | Ms. Sipra Priyadarshini Sahu | 13/01/2024 | 16/01/2024 | Permission to avail half day C.L. on 16.01.2024 and Public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters after office hour of 12.01.2024 till 1st half of 16.01.2024 . |
386 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Permission to avail Public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters after office hour of 12.01.2024 till morning of 16.01.2024 . |
387 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Permission to avail Public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters after office hour of 12.01.2024 till morning of 16.01.2024 . |
388 | Shri Kailash Chandra Swain | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Grant of permission to avail public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 and to leave headquarters after the office hours of 12.01.2024 till the morning of 16.01.2024 . |
389 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Grant of permission to avail public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 and to leave headquarters till the morning of 16.01.2024 . |
390 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 13/01/2024 | 16/01/2024 | Grant of C.L. for 01 day on 16.01.2024 with permission to avail public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 and to leave headquarters after the office hours of 12.01.2024 till the morning of 17.01.2024 . |
391 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Grant of permission to avail public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 12.01.2024 till the morning of 16.01.2024 . |
392 | Vacant | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Permission to avail the Public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters after office hour of 12.01.2024 till morning of 16.01.2024 . |
393 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 13/01/2024 | 15/01/2024 | Permission to avail Public holidays from 13.01.2024 to 15.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 12.01.2024 till morning of 16.01.2024 . |
394 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 30/12/2023 | 01/01/2024 | Permission to avail to avail Winter Holidays on 30.12.2023,Public holidays on 31.12.2023 and 01.01.2024 . |
395 | Ms. Subhashree Tripathy | 30/12/2023 | 01/01/2024 | Permission to avail winter holidays on 30.12.2023 and public holidays on 31.12.2023 and 01.01.2024 . |
396 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 30/12/2023 | 01/01/2024 | Permission to avail winter holidays i.e. on 30.12.2023 and public holidays on 31.12.2023 and 01.01.2024 with further permission to leave headquarters from evening of 29.12.2023 till the morning of 02.01.2024 . |
397 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 28/12/2023 | 01/01/2024 | Permission for 02 days i.e.on 28.12.2023,29.12.2023,30.12.2023 and public holiday on 31.12.2023 and 01.01.2024 . |
398 | Shri Apurv Kumar Ray | 28/12/2023 | 29/12/2023 | Permission to avail the winter holidays from 28.12.2023 to 29.12.2023 with permission to leave headquarters from evening of 27.12.2023 till morning of 30.12.2023 . |
399 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 24/12/2023 | 26/12/2023 | Permission to avail one day CL on 26.12.2023 and two days public holidays from 24.12.2023 to 25.12.2023 . |
400 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 24/12/2023 | 27/12/2023 | C.L. for 02 days i.e. on 26.12.2023 ,27.12.2023 and public holidays on 24.12.2023 and 25.12.2023 . |
401 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 23/12/2023 | 23/12/2023 | Permission to avail half day C.L. for the second half of 23.12.2023 . |
402 | Mohammed Shah Faisal | 22/12/2023 | 25/12/2023 | Permission to avail two days CL from 22.12.2023 to 23.12.2023 and public holidays on 24.12.2023 and 25.12.2023 with further permission to leave headquarters from evening of 21.12.2023 till morning of 26.12.2023 . |
403 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 21/12/2023 | 25/12/2023 | Grant of C.L. for 02 days i.e.22.12.2023,23.12.2023 with permission to avail public holidays on 21.12.2023 ,24.12.2023,25.12.2023 and to remain absent from the headquarters from 21.12.2023 to 25.12.2023 . |
404 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 21/12/2023 | 26/12/2023 | Permission to avail three days CL on 22.12.2023,23.12.2023,26,12.2023 and permission to avail the public holidays on 21.12.2023,24.12.2023,25.12.2023 . |
405 | Vacant | 21/12/2023 | 25/12/2023 | Permission to avail two days CL on 22.12.2023,23.12.2023 and permission to avail the public holidays on 21.12.2023,24.12.2023,25.12.2023 . |
406 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 21/12/2023 | 25/12/2023 | Permission to avail the two days CL on 22.12.2023,23.12.2023 and public holidays on 21.12.2023,24.12.2023,25.12.2023 . |
407 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 20/12/2023 | 25/12/2023 | Grant of C.L. for 03 days on 20.12.2023,22.12.2023,23.12.2023 with permission to avail the public holidays on 21.12.2023,24.12.2023,25.12.2023 and to remain absent from the headquarters from 20.12.2023 to 25.12.2023 . |
408 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 20/12/2023 | 26/12/2023 | Grant of C.L. for 04 days i.e.on 20.12.2023,22.12.2023,23.12.2023 and 26.12.2023 with permission to avail public holidays on 21.12.2023,24.12.2023,25.12.2023 and to remain absent from the headquarters from 20.12.2023 to 26.12.2023 . |
409 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 20/12/2023 | 20/12/2023 | Permission to avail the half day C.L. i.e. on second half of on 20.12.2023 . |
410 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 19/12/2023 | 19/12/2023 | Grant of C.L. for half day on 2nd half of 19.12.2023 . |
411 | Ms. Geetanjali Nanda | 18/12/2023 | 23/12/2023 | Permission to avail five days CL from 18.12.2023 to 20.12.2023 and 22.12.2023 to 23.12.2023 and public holiday on 21.12.2023 with permission to leave headquarters from 18.12.2023 till the evening of 23.12.2023 . |
412 | Ms. Subhashree Tripathy | 18/12/2023 | 21/12/2023 | Grant of C.L. fro 03 days from 18.12.2023 to 20.12.2023 with permission avail the public holiday on 21.12.2023 and to leave the headquarters till the morning of 22.12.2023 . |
413 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 17/12/2023 | 22/12/2023 | Permission to avail the 3.5 days Casual Leave on 18.12.2023,19.12.2023,20.12.2023 and permission to avail Public Holidays on 17.12.2023,21.12.2023 with further permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 16.12.2023 till the second half of 22.12.2023 . |
414 | MS. Aishwarya Kar | 17/12/2023 | 22/12/2023 | Permission to avail 3.5. days C.L. on 18.12.2023,19.12.2023,20.12.2023 and half day CL for first half of 22.12.2023 and permission to avail the public holidays on 17.12.2023 and 21.12.2023 . |
415 | Ms. Sipra Priyadarshini Sahu | 14/12/2023 | 15/12/2023 | Casual Leave |
416 | Shri Apurv Kumar Ray | 10/12/2023 | 12/12/2023 | Permission to avail the two days C.L. on 11.12.2023,12.12.2023 and permission to avail the public holiday on 10.12.2023 . |
417 | Ms. Sipra Priyadarshini Sahu | 03/12/2023 | 07/12/2023 | Permission to avail three days Casual Leave on 04.12.2023,06.12.2023,07.12.2023 and public holidays on 03.12.2023 and 05.12.2023 . |
418 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 03/12/2023 | 05/12/2023 | Permission to avail one day C.L. on 04.12.2023 and permission to avail public holidays on 03.12.2023 and 05.12.2023 . |
419 | Mohammed Shah Faisal | 02/12/2023 | 05/12/2023 | Permission to avail two days C.L. on 02.12.2023,04.12.2023 with further permission to avail the public holidays 03.12.2023,05.12.2023 |
420 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 01/12/2023 | 07/12/2023 | Grant of C.L. for 05 days on 01.12.2023,02.12.2023, 04.12.2023,06,12.2023,07.12.2023 with permission avail the public holidays on 03.12.2023,05.12.2023 and to remain absent from the headquarters after the office hours of 30.11.2023 till the morning of 08.12.2023 . |
421 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 27/11/2023 | 30/11/2023 | Permission to avail C.L. on 29.11.2023 ,30.11.2023 and permission to avail the public holidays from 27.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 . |
422 | Ms. Madhusmita Nayak | 27/11/2023 | 01/12/2023 | Permission to avail the three days Casual Leave from 29.11.2023 to 01.12.2023 and permission to avail the public holidays from 27.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 . |
423 | Dr. Moonrani Mishra | 26/11/2023 | 29/11/2023 | Grant of CL for 01 day i.e. on 29.11.2023 with permission to avail the public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 25.11.2023 till the morning of 30.11.2023 . |
424 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 26/11/2023 | 28/11/2023 | Permission to avail the public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 25.11.2023 till the morning of 29.11.2023 . |
425 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 26/11/2023 | 29/11/2023 | Permission to avail one day C.L. on 29.11.2023 and three days public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 |
426 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 26/11/2023 | 28/11/2023 | Permission to avail the public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 . |
427 | Ms. Soumya Sonalika | 26/11/2023 | 29/11/2023 | Permission to avail the half day CL on first half of 29.11.2023 and permission to avail the public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 |
428 | Shri Apurv Kumar Ray | 26/11/2023 | 28/11/2023 | Permission to avail the three days public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 . |
429 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 25/11/2023 | 28/11/2023 | Grant of CL for 01 day i.e. 25.11.2023 with permission to avail the public holidays from 26.11.2023 to 28.11.2023 and to remain absent from the headquarters after the office hours of 24.11.2023 till the morning of 29.11.2023 . |
430 | Shri Kailash Chandra Swain | 17/11/2023 | 19/11/2023 | Grant of C.L. of 02 days on 17.11.2023 and 18.11.2023 with permission to avail the public public holiday on 19.11.2023 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 16.11.2023 till the morning of 20.11.2023 . |
431 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 13/11/2023 | 13/11/2023 | Casual Leave |
432 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 13/11/2023 | 13/11/2023 | Permission to avail the half day C.L. on 2nd half of 13.11.2023 with further permission to leave headquarters from 2nd half of 13.11.2023 till the morning of 14.11.2023 . |
433 | Ms.Susmita Priyadarshini | 13/11/2023 | 13/11/2023 | Casual Leave |
434 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 11/11/2023 | 14/11/2023 | Permission to avail 2 days C.L. on 13.11.2023,14.11.2023 and public holidays from 11.11.2023 to 12.11.2023 with further permission to leave headquarters from after office hour of 10.11.2023 till morning of 15.11.2023 . |
435 | Ms. Subhashree Tripathy | 11/11/2023 | 16/11/2023 | Grant of C.L. for 4 days from 13.11.2023 to 16.11.2023 with permission to avail public holidays on 11.11.2023 and 12.11.2023 . |
436 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 11/11/2023 | 12/11/2023 | Permission to avail the public holidays on 11.11.2023 and 12.11.2023 and to remain absent from the headquarters after the office hours of 10.11.2023 till the morning of 13.11.2023 |
437 | Shri Debadadtta Das Mohapatra | 11/11/2023 | 12/11/2023 | Permission to avail public holidays i.e. on 11.11.2023,12.11.2023 and to leave the headquarters after the office hours of 10.11.2023 till the morning of 13.11.2023 . |
438 | Smt. Banali Tripathy | 11/11/2023 | 11/11/2023 | Permission to avail the public holiday on 11.11.2023 with further permission to leave the headquarters from 11.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M. of the said date . |
439 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 07/11/2023 | 07/11/2023 | Casual Leave |
440 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 02/11/2023 | 20/11/2023 | Earned Leave |
441 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 02/11/2023 | 20/11/2023 | Granted Earned Leave for a period of 19 days i.e. from 02.11.2023 to 20.11.2023 . |
442 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 16/10/2023 | 16/10/2023 | Casual Leave |
443 | Ms. Nitisha Chandak | 14/10/2023 | 15/10/2023 | Permission to avail the public holiday on 14.10.2023 and 15.10.2023 with further permission to leave headquarter from after office hour of 13.10.2023 till morning of 16.10.2023 . |
444 | Shri Samar Bilash Behera | 14/10/2023 | 15/10/2023 | Permission to avail the public holidays on 14.10.2023 and 15.10.2023 |
445 | Shri Rajesh Dash | 08/10/2023 | 11/10/2023 | Grant of C.L. for three days on 09.10.2023, 10.10.2023, 11.10.2023 with permission to avail public holiday on 08.10.2023 and remain absent from the headquarters during the said period |
446 | Ms.Biswakalyani Mishra | 01/10/2023 | 02/10/2023 | Permission to avail the two days public holidays from 01.10.2023 to 02.10.2023 . |
447 | Vacant | 01/10/2023 | 02/10/2023 | Permission to avail two days public holidays from 01.10.2023 to 02.10.2023 with further permission leave headquarters after office hour of 30.09.2023 till morning of 03.10.2023 |
448 | Shri Satyapira Mishra | 30/09/2023 | 29/10/2023 | Grant of E.L. for a period of of 21 days from 30.09.2023 to 20.10.2023 with permission to suffix Durga Puja Vacation from 21.10.2023 to 28.10.2023 and public holiday on 29.10.2023 . |