
    Judges on Leave

    Serial No. NAME OF JUDICIAL OFFICER On leave from On leave till Nature Of Leave
    1Ms. Nitisha Chandak26/02/202527/02/2025Permission to avail public holidays on 26.02.2025,27.02.2025 and to leave headquarters from after office hour of 25.02.2025 till the morning of 28.02.2025 .
    2Smt. Banali Tripathy24/02/202527/02/2025Permission to avail two days Casual leave on 24.02.2025, 25.02.2025 and public holidays on 26.02.2025,27.02.2025 .
    3MS. Aishwarya Kar24/02/202527/02/2025Permission to avail two days Casual leave on 24.02.2025,25.02.2025 and public holidays on 26.02.2025,27.02.2025 .
    4Ms. Madhusmita Nayak24/02/202528/02/2025Permission to avail two days CL on 24.02.2025 & 25.02.2025 & public holiday on 26.02.2025 & 27.02.2025 with further permission to leave headquarters after completion of training scheduled to be held on 23.02.2025 till the morning of 28.02.2025.
    5Ms. Deepa Das23/02/202527/02/2025Permission to avail two days CL on 24.02.2025 & 25.02.2025 & public holiday on 23.02.2025, 26.02.2025 & 27.02.2025 with further permission to leave headquarters after office hour of 22.02.2025 till the morning of 28.02.2025.
    6Smt. Pranati Patel12/02/202527/02/2025Granted Earned Leave for a period of 14 days i.e from 12.02.2025 to 25.02.2025 suffixing public holidays on 26.02.2025 & 27.02.2025.